375 North Main Street Suite A-5
Williamstown NJ 08094
(856) 226-9524
Mon - Fri 9 AM - 5 PM
Night & Weekend Hours by Appointment
Williamstown NJ 08094
Night & Weekend Hours by Appointment
Penalty & Interest abatement is when you petition the IRS to reduce or eliminate penalties and interest that you legally owe the IRS but are requesting elimination or a reduction of. The request for penalty and interest abatement has to be written for your unique tax situation. The IRS reviews penalty and interest abatement requests individually thus giving you a higher chance of success. If your request is initially denied, you can appeal the denial as well. However – the appeal is based upon what was originally submitted – which make it even more important that you have a knowledgeable firm prepare you penalty and interest abatement request.
Enter your information below for our FREE e-guide “Pink Harbor CPA’s blueprint to resolving your tax problems.”