Hurricane Dorian – Best Ways to Donate AND Get a Tax Deduction

Hurricane Dorian raged through the Bahamas and America’s East Coast. Hurricane Dorian’s aftermath left massive destruction and death. There is an unprecedented outpouring of people wanting to help the victims of Hurricane Dorian, both financially and with needed supplies. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of very dishonest people who want to defraud you. You […]
5 Reasons Your 2018 Tax Refund is Lower

Many taxpayers throughout the United States are wondering why their refund for their 2018 taxes is much lower than the previous years. I’m Michael A. Mellace, CPA from Pink Harbor, CPA and I am here to give some answers to that question. Mike can be reached at (856) 226-9524 or by e-mailing You can […]
Charitable Contributions – Impact Under Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

Make More Charitable Donations in 2017 – Both Cash and Non-Cash Because the tax brackets are decreasing in 2018, the impact of charitable donations will also decrease. This impact will be felt the most with people who are currently in the 15% to 28% tax brackets and the 39.6% bracket because they will be reduced […]
Maximizing Your 2017 & 18 Tax Refunds Under The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

The historic Tax Cuts & Jobs Act which congress recently passed is going to have HUGE tax implications for 2018 and beyond. In this article you’ll find out how to maximize your 2017 & 2018 . Want to maximize your refunds for 2017 & 2018? Here’s 4 simple tips: 1. Prepay your property taxes. 2. […]
How Wawa Used Focus Groups to Build a Better Hoagie

Focus groups are a commonly used tool that almost every successful business uses in some way. In it’s most simplistic way a focus group is asking someone what their opinion is about something. The business then takes action based upon the feedback they received. How Wawa used Focus Groups To Build the Perfect Hoagie First, […]
Hurricane’s Irma & Harvey – Best Ways to Donate AND Get a Tax Deduction

In a matter of 2 weeks, our country has been slammed with two major disasters – Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. There is an unprecedented outpouring of people wanting to help, both financially and with needed supplies. Unfortunately there are also a lot of very dishonest people out there who want defraud you. This post […]
Hurricane Harvey – Best Ways to Donate AND Get a Tax Deduction

You want to donate to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. You want your donations to go directly to those in need. And you want to get a tax deduction for your donations. Sound like a simple thing to accomplish? It’s not. But we are going to make it clear for you. Who can I […]
Case Study: Succession Planning for C Corporations

Background One day I receive a call from a business owner named Joe I had met the day before at a Chamber of Commerce event. Joe is in his late 60s and has an incredibly successful building supply company. Joe had recently had a health scare and like most business owners he didn’t think about […]