375 North Main Street Suite A-5
Williamstown NJ 08094
(856) 226-9524
Mon - Fri 9 AM - 5 PM
Night & Weekend Hours by Appointment
Williamstown NJ 08094
Night & Weekend Hours by Appointment
You just formed your non-profit with the State and you’re all ready to start soliciting funds. But can you legally? With rare exceptions, no. You must file both Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code AND an application with each State that you plan to solicit business in. These applications all have filing fees and the speed at which they are approved is related to the accuracy and quality of the application which you submit. We are experts in preparing these applications and with dealing with all correspondence throughout the approval process.
Enter your information below for our FREE e-guide “Overcoming Non-Profit Funding Struggles”